Cheetos and Doritos Fiery Fusion Sizzlin’ Cayenne & Cheese

For a couple of months now, every time I’ve visited my local convenience store, I’ve seen these Cheetos and Doritos Fiery Fusion bags sitting in the cashier’s front display. The first time I saw them, I said, “Yay! New snacks!” Then I read the flavor description: “Sizzlin’ Cayenne & Cheese”.

My Snack Rage started boiling. Okay, maybe not rage; more like Snack Annoyance. Spicy and cheese: not exactly an original concept. Buy hey, even if I’ve had those flavors about 50 different times, I still like them. So why not.

The definition of fusion is simple: the connection of two distinct things. There are many different types of fusion: there’s cell fusion, which is pretty important, since none of us would exist without it. There’s nuclear fusion, which creates things like supernovas and can also be used to kill us all.

One type of fusion I wish I’d never learned about via Wikipedia is tooth fusion, which is exactly what you would imagine it is, and makes me want to vomit. The picture just made things that much worse. Thanks a lot, Cheetos and Doritos. I’m pretty sure you weren’t responsible for the entry, but I’m going to go ahead and blame you anyway.

Fiery Fusion was not listed on Wikipedia, but Frito-Lay likes to make up catchy adjectives like “FANTASTIX!” to describe their food products, and I’m a fan of alliteration, so Fiery Fusion gets a pass. Right now they only have Sizzlin’ Cayenne & Cheese available under this label, but perhaps we will see future Fusions. I predict ranch will be involved. Always bet on ranch.

Doritos Fiery Fusion Sizzlin’ Cayenne & Cheese

Part of the reason I hated staring at these chips while I waited for the guy in front of me wearing the ragged shirt with 20 holes in it to finish paying for his case of Natty Ice in rolls of quarters was that the packaging is so ugly. Probably the ugliest I’ve seen in a long time. It’s like a sick mixture of what your puke looks like after you’ve drank cherry Nyquil and an unsuccessful hybrid color of nail polish I once made when I fancied myself a chemist and would try to mix different polishes to create the ultimate in nail coloration. If purple drank were this hue, Lil’ Wayne would probably have a lot more brain cells right now. Even rappers have aesthetic standards. Okay, that is a lie.

Fortunately, the chips themselves do not share this heinous color scheme. They are appropriately reddish-orange, and have a thick layer of flavor powder coating almost all the chips, which I like. The back of the bag says, “Get ready! The slow-burning fire of new Doritos Fiery Fusion chips is about to be unleashed on your unsuspecting mouth. Things might start smooth with the creamy flavor of cheese, but in no time your tongue will IGNITE with hot cayenne, jalapeño and spices.”

Bold words, Doritos. Surprisingly, I actually found these claims to be true. As I started eating, my first thought was, “Oh hey, these taste just like Spicy Nacho Doritos. How original.” However, as I continued munching, I did find the heat building beyond Spicy Nacho levels. My tongue did not literally ignite – if it had, I would call that a bad business move on Doritos’ part – but there was some definite heat that did blend well with the nacho cheese flavor. I couldn’t really differentiate the cayenne from the jalapeño from the spices, but I did enjoy the overall flavors.

Cheetos Fiery Fusion Sizzlin’ Cayenne & Cheese

The Cheetos bag carries the same ill-conceived color scheme as the Doritos, but there’s a little break at the top with Cheetos’ signature orange, plus there’s a picture of Chester looking super delighted as he prepares to sodomize an innocent wedge of cheese with a hot pepper. Seriously, he is going to pepper-fuck that cheese and he is loving it.

The back of the Cheetos bag reads a little different from the Doritos: “Chester’s at it AGAIN! This time combining the smooth flavor of cheese with a burning blend of hot cayenne, jalapeño and spices in new Cheetos Fiery Fusion snacks. It’s a spicy sensation!”

I like how Cheetos is always blaming/giving credit to Chester for their new flavors. “Chester’s at it AGAIN!” takes a more sinister turn given what I said in the paragraph above. “Oh that Chester, always playing the food fornication game! I wonder what two foods he will fuse via sodomy next!”

The Cheetos had the same slow build-up of heat as the Doritos, starting with the classic Cheetos cheese flavor and adding some heat as I munched along. The heat was not as intense as the Doritos, but I felt like I could actually taste more of the cayenne pepper, as opposed to just a generic heat. You can actually see some darker flecks on the Cheetos that don’t appear on the Doritos.

Overall, I liked Cheetos Fiery Fusion Sizzlin’ Cayenne & Cheese just a little more than the Doritos, if just for the more discernible cayenne flavor. Neither of the chips (or snacks in the case of Cheetos, whatever) disappointed; their claims of going from cheesy to spicy really did deliver. Is it the most original snack I’ve ever had? Well, no. Did someone on Frito-Lay’s marketing team let a blind person design the packaging images? Possibly. Will any of us ever be as happy as Chester is, inserting a pepper into a piece of cheese in a way that makes everyone around him uncomfortable? Probably not. But if you’re looking for a cheesy spicy snack, Fiery Fusion will satisfy. They won’t blow your mind, but they’ll satisfy.

Doritos Fiery Fusion Sizzlin’ Cayenne & Cheese

  • Score: 3 out of 5 cringe-inducing tooth fusions
  • Price: $0.99
  • Size: 3 oz. bag
  • Purchased at: Circle K #2821
  • Nutritional Quirks: Nothing too crazy here. At least the chips weren’t the same color as the bag.

Cheetos Fiery Fusion Cayenne & Cheese Snacks

  • Score: 3.5 out of 5 uncomfortable moments with Chester Cheetah
  • Price: $0.99
  • Size: 2 3/8 oz. bag
  • Purchased at: Circle K #2821
  • Nutritional Quirks: Can actually differentiate the cayenne flavor from “general spiciness”.