KFC Fiery Grilled Wings

KFC Fiery Grilled Wings BucketI’ve been burned before, if you’ll excuse the pun, by fast food chains’ claims of spiciness and heat in new menu items they introduce. Burger King’s Angry Whopper and Taco Bell’s Volcano Menu come specifically to mind, with their commercials of people sweating and steam coming out of their ears and, well, volcanoes, and yet, the heat just isn’t there. So you can understand my wariness when I learned of KFC’s new Fiery Grilled Wings. I decided to try them anyways, though, since I already like their grilled chicken, so at the very least I’d be eating grilled chicken wings, and I can think of a lot worse things to be eating.

For those of you who only eat organic produce and don’t have a television, KFC introduced their grilled chicken in April of 2009, making a big to-do with their “UNFry Day”, launching their UNTHINK ad campaign and touting the new product as a healthier option than their traditional fried chicken products. I didn’t have this website back then, but I did try their grilled chicken, and found it to be delicious. In fact, in the handful of times I’ve been to KFC since they launched their grilled chicken, I haven’t once gone the way of the fried.

KFC went with “fiery” instead of “spicy” for their new grilled wings, which, of course, opens the door to a whole wave of ridiculousness in their commercials.

KFC Fiery Grilled Wings Firebreather

Caution: KFC Fiery Grilled Wings are to beat eaten outside, and only by a trained professional.

KFC Fiery Grilled Wings Tiger

I guess here you are the tiger, and you are jumping through hoops to get to KFC’s new Fiery Grilled Wings.

KFC Fiery Grilled Wings

The wings have similarities and differences to both traditional buffalo wings and to their un-fiery big brothers. Instead of getting your fingers covered in buffalo sauce, you will get them covered in grease. They have a crispy skin like KFC’s other grilled chicken, but the pieces I got seem to lack the somewhat disturbingly fake-looking grill marks that the bigger chicken pieces have. Most of the reason I love KFC’s grilled chicken so much is that, first of all, it seems to be juicier than their fried chicken, and second, it has a great spice blend on the skin that reminds me of their Rotisserie Gold chicken that disappeared in the mid-1990’s, much to my anger and despair. Even in high school, I was already writing angry letters in my head to fast food chains.  With these wings, they’re about as juicy as any other chicken wing you’ll find, and the grilled chicken spices seem to be masked by the “fiery” spice.

KFC Fiery Grilled Wings Spice

The spice, I have to say, does not disappoint. It tastes nothing like the heat of buffalo sauce, instead delivering a straight-up capsaicin heat that comes from the little pepper bits on the surface of the wing. After a couple of wings, my lips were actually burning, but the heat didn’t hit my mouth enough to necessitate a glass of milk or perhaps a dip of ranch dressing, a traditional accoutrement to buffalo wings that did not accompany my Fiery Grilled Wings. They were fiery, but not so aggressive as to put off the average American’s pussy-whipped taste buds.

With a crispy skin and a bit of bite, KFC’s Fiery Grilled Wings are a tasty alternative to traditional buffalo wings. I, however, will probably never purchase them again. I have a beef (again, pardon the pun) with chicken wings. I used to enjoy them, until one day, one of my pretentious foodie friends got on his soapbox about them, declaring them bullshit on the grounds that they are basically the worst part of the chicken, and positing a conspiracy amongst chicken producers to spin chicken parts with very little meat into a very profitable party snack.

I usually ignore his ranting, but it made me think, and after a while, I decided that I agreed with him. Chicken wings are difficult to eat, yielding very little meat, which you really have to work for as you navigate around a heavy concentration of bones, tendons, and other icky bits. So, while I like the kick of Fiery Grilled Wings, I’d rather stick with KFC’s grilled chicken drumsticks, thighs, breasts, and the like. KFC’s Fiery Grilled Wings come in a sad biscuit box of five pieces (at least, that’s what my order came in), or considerably cooler-looking buckets of 20 or 30 pieces. If you’re the type who likes to sit down with some friends and some wings to watch a football game, there’s nothing wrong with giving these a try. Don’t let my opinion on chicken wings in general stop you. I’ll just secretly judge you as an uneducated goon who likes sub-par chicken and watching grown men in spandex pile on top of each other. I’m just saying.

  • Score: 3.5 out of 5 fire-breathing tigers
  • Price: $3.99
  • Size: 5 wings
  • Purchased at: KFC #Y303048
  • Nutritional Quirks: Contains beef powder, dehydrated carrot, and, most tastily, calcium silicate.

The Impulsive Buy has also written a review of KFC Fiery Chicken Wings.  Check out his opinion, too!

14 thoughts on “KFC Fiery Grilled Wings”

  1. What the shit, calcium silicate? Are they trying to insulate your mouth from the spice? Are they trying to “seal in juices” in a literal sense? I don’t understand! I demand an immediate explanation!

  2. The KFC Fiery Grilled Wings are very tasty. However I personally prefer the breast and thigh chicken parts over wings. So KFC needs to go one step further and offer the Fiery flavor as a optional choice for all their chicken pieces or for those people who love spicy chicken but are not that fond of wings like myself.

    1. I absolutely agree with you. Stop reserving your flavors for the worst part of the chicken and give the big guys some love!

  3. I gotta disagree, eventhough, KFC is a little pricy. (I’m not here to endorse KFC or anything else,) these wings are WAY healthier for men like me who indulge, with some beer, and they aren’t bad on the bud. I think they are about as spicey as they can be without dripping with sauce (something places with regular, fried wings should try to make… The absoulute best wings I’d ever had were served at a local bar that trapped the spices inside, by marination, instead of having to deal with sauce, which is messy, and if you’re into extreme spices like me, can be hazardous if it gets in your eyes, with contacts.)

    To each their own, though, because in is an expensive thing. For twenty wings you can get a family course. I’m just saying, movie night with this as oppose to pizza or fried wings is a way more healthy alternative…

    On a side note, with this whole KFC grilled extravaganza, back in the early 90s they had rotisserie chicken, served with corn bread, which tasted great, and was better for you (and more ecconomical too, because you could get half, or whole chicken.) When the hell will they bring that back? I mean, that was some of their best tasting meals. Guess it had trans fat in it, and they can’t make it anymore… Idiots.

  4. this is god damn KFnC we are talking about people this is like the mcdonalds of chicken the the FGWs are way better than anything else you can have passed to you thru a window

  5. I loved these. Made special trips to get them but now can’t find these at KFC. What happened – are they at any twin city KFC? Will they ever come back?

  6. Please answer this note. I have written several times without any response. I want to know if there are any KFC restaurants serving the fiery grilled chicken wings? I live in Hastings MN. I work in Maplwood/Roseville MN any at all in the twin cities?

  7. there in india from 2014 andthis is the only kfc product i i have day dreamed about im crying that people dont like it here though im afraid they may disappear noOOOooooooo

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